Discover the unknown

November 2018


Campbell Wilson

Resilience and How to Pass it on to the Next Generation

Mental health issues are becoming more frequent among teenagers. As a child, Campbell Wilson lost one of his classmates in the Lockerbie bombing. He himself was recently near death from a stroke. He learned how the human brain processes adverse experiences. At TEDxMünster, he has explained how he uses his knowledge about neuro-plasticity (the brain’s ability to adapt) and training as a teacher to help young people become resilient and overcome adverse childhood experiences.

Anas Alhakim

Only Those Who Have no Dreams are Handicapped

Anas Alhakim already wanted to study computer science as a young boy. But he had some obstacles. He has a rare disease and is in a wheelchair. And he grew up in war torn Syria. Today, Anas is 27 years old and on his way to becoming a computer scientist. At TEDxMünster, he has talked about how he managed to turn his fears into courage – and how he faced the unknown in Germany and now helps other immigrants to enter the educational system.

Atilla Gum & Natalie Deewan

Sign Language for everyone: Yes, we sign!

"To my place or to yours?" When Atilla Gum, a non-hearing sign language teacher, and Natalie Deewan, an artist, introduce us to the beauty of sign language, it sounds as if they were inviting us on a date. What are the criteria that make us decide what language we use? If sign language can be learned easily, there is a chance it would open up an entire new world to so many non-hearing people. In the talk, Sheyla Perez is lending the signing her voice.

Christian Weinheimer

Into the Unknown: Hunting Dark Matter

A James Bond-like setting with an enormous laboratory hundreds of metres below the mountains in the Abruzzi – this is where an international group of scientists hunt for the dark matter. They know it is there, they estimate it makes up the larger part of the universe, but their scientific adventure is still a journey into the unknown. Prof. Dr. Christian Weinheimer, a professor of physics at the University of Münster, is trying to solve the puzzle and assess the implications for humanity.

Dirk von Gehlen

The Principle of Pragmatism. More Serenity in a Complex World

We live in complex times. "Cultural pragmatism" is a helpful approach to confront overwhelming complexity. This, at least, is what the Shruggie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ would opt for. The Shruggie has a clear strategy: Assume that your perspective might be wrong. Think and behave as if you were under 30. Play. In his highly philosophical and entertaining talk, Dirk von Gehlen, Head of Digital Innovation at Süddeutsche Zeitung, introduces Shruggie’s suggestions to embrace a complex and uncertain future.

Dorothée Loorbach

10 things I learned after losing a lot of money

She used to be exceptionally successful in her job and earned a lot of money. And she spent even more, until she was broke, unable even to bake her little daughter a birthday cake. Dorothée Loorbach unmasks our relation to money and reveals her personal life-changing learnings from her six months project of becoming financially carefree again.

Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus

Art Made Me Change: From Insect Killer to Insect Saver

His business produces insecticides, but his passion is saving insects. What might sound paradoxical at first, is the reality of Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus. He describes his astonishing transformation from Saul to Paul through an artistic project that fundamentally changed his life. It ultimately led him to care for insects, create insect-friendly environments and tell people about their importance for us, and likewise for the future of our planet. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus used to sell fly traps and ant baits. He was the head of a family business. But then one day, he took pity on the insects. At TEDxMünster, he will talk about how he became an advocate for biodiversity, and the entertaining story on how he saves insects today – and how he now earns his money.

Sherin Khankan

Realising Gender Equality in Islamic Marriages

As the first female Imam in Denmark Sherin Kankan knows what it’s like to fight against and overcome prejudice. Women must be given the means to realize their fundamental right to equality. She is also the founder of the NGO Exitcirclen, that supports women who suffer from psychological violence in Islamic marriages. She explains how womens' rights are deeply rooted in Islam and what we need to do to ensure gender equality.

Nora Hespers & Stephanie Borgert

Nazi or Resistance - the Legacy of Our Grandfathers

Two German women learn about the history of their grandfathers: one was in resistance during the Second World War, the other was an SS officer. Yet, today they share the same attitudes. Nora Hespers and Stephanie Borgert talk about the parallels between the men’s stories and stress the importance of moral courage at any time and how important it is to defend our democratic rights.

Thabet Azzawi

Meet me in Dresden. Countering Nationalism With Folk Music

Because of his bald head, Thabet Azzawi was once mistakenly invited to join a Nazi demonstration in his home town Dresden, East Germany. Although Thabet, a Syrian native, looks at xenophobia from a rather comical side in his talk, he is on a serious mission and has a tangible recipe to bridge cultural differences: folk music. He tours Germany with his Banda Internationale, a brass band consisting of refugees.