TEDxMünster Live:
A New Era

April 2022


Vaitea Cowan

How green hydrogen could end the fossil fuel era

As climate change accelerates, finding clean alternatives to fossil fuels is more urgent than ever. Social entrepreneur Vaitea Cowan believes green hydrogen is the answer. Watch as she shares her team's work mass producing electrolyzers -- devices that separate water into its molecular components: hydrogen and oxygen -- and shows how they could help make green, carbon-free fuel affordable and accessible for everyone. "This is how we end the fossil fuel era," Cowan says.

Isabelle Boemeke says: Nuclear power is one of the safest, cleanest forms of energy -- yet to most people, it might not feel that way. But why is that? Isabelle, the world's first nuclear energy influencer and creator of the social media persona Isodope, deftly debunks the major objections to nuclear power and explains her unconventional way of educating people about this clean energy source.

Nuclear power is our best hope to ditch fossil fuels

Isabelle Boemeke sagt: Die Kernenergie ist eine der sichersten und saubersten Energieformen – doch für die meisten Menschen fühlt es sich nicht danach an. Aber warum ist das so? Isabelle, die erste Kernenergie-Influencerin der Welt und Erschafferin der Social-Media-Persona Isodope, entkräftet geschickt die wichtigsten Einwände gegen die Kernenergie und erklärt ihre unkonventionelle Art, die Menschen über diese saubere Energiequelle aufzuklären.